Visuel : (c) GayClic
Eh ben, aujourd'hui, Jake Silbermann m'a écrit, oui, môssieur ! (et ça sent pas du tout le mail collectif, mais bon, c'est rigolo...) :
de Jake Silbermann
à Jag
date 28 octobre 2008 16:58
objet From Jake Silbermann

Thanks for writing! It really means a lot to me that you have taken the time to get in touch. Your support has been overwhelming and very much appreciated. It means so much to me that you have embraced this storyline. The story of “Luke and Noah” is being told as a love story, and I’m very proud to be a part of such an exciting and important topic.
I believe that is what make’s As The World Turns different from any other daytime show.
It really means a lot to know what you think about the story and in what direction you would like to see it go, so please keep sending your ideas and thoughts my way. I love to read your ideas and comments!
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

All the best,
Jake Silbermann

Il veut vraiment savoir ce qu'on a envie de voir entre Luke & Noah ?? ;-)
[ATWT appartient à PGP ; Daily recaps à CBS]

Dim 16 nov 2008 Aucun commentaire